Live Webinar for DxO – Black and White Fine Art Architectural Photography
My next educational event will be the live webinar for DxO – Black and White Fine Art Architectural Photography.
Happy to say that, on April 7th, in my quality of DxO Image Master, I’ll be giving an exclusive live webinar on Architecture black and white photography, hosted by DxO, the world-renowned software that many of you and I already use on a daily basis.
I’ll be showing you live during the webinar how I use my software to create my photos, or rather to re-create reality to suit my vision, which is what I do (see → (en)Visionography).
The webinar was just launched but already more than 900 spots out of 1000 are filled. If you’re interested (and quick enough) you can still register here…/3614789977033127425
The duration of the webinar is 60 minutes and the airing time is:
– 8 pm UTC – London
– 3 pm EST – New York
– 12 pm PST – San Francisco
Hope to see you all there!
More DxO webinars/tutorials with great photographers sharing their knowledge here:
To download any of the DxO software, DxO PhotoLab, DxO VewPoint, DxO FilmPack or the NIK Collection, you can head over to the DxO website and find the latest offers.
If you work with the DxO software and especially with FilmPack or PhotoLab, you will surely like the preset series I created for FilmPack and Photolab. The presets, initially launched in 2014, have been updated and enriched with more presets and this is the latest extended version of the original fine art DxO Preset Series Dark City. Access the presets by clicking on the link or the image below.
Find more resources about fine art black and white photography, (en)Visionography, long exposure photography and architecture photography in Julia Anna Gospodarou’s extensive collection of photography tutorials. To receive free future tutorials, you can subscribe here.
Learn more about how to create fine art photography, architectural photography, long exposure, etc. from conception to advanced processing in Julia’s video courses Understanding Fine Art Architectural Photography – The Complete Course, From Vision to Final Image – Mastering Black and White Photography Processing, in the video tutorial Long Exposure, Architecture, Fine Art Photography – Creating (en)Visionography, and the book From Basics to Fine Art – Black and White Photography, or by attending one of her highly appreciated workshops.
Find Julia’s recommendation for the best software and gear to create fine art photography and curated deals and discounts for these tools.
To study with Julia Anna Gospodarou personally, find out about our
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We believe in knowledge, education, and the freedom of spirit that creates great art. We believe in art and artists.
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For more than one and a half decades, we have been sharing free content on fine art photography, black and white photography, architecture photography, long exposure photography, as well as our original concepts of “(en)Visionography” and “Photography Drawing”.
Thousands of photographers started their journey in fine art photography here and found inspiration and practical resources that empowered them. Many have won awards for their work and are making a career in photography based on knowledge acquired from our free tutorials, books, courses, and workshops.
This makes us incredibly proud of our work.
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Thank you!
Julia Anna Gospodarou – Founder – (en)Visionographer
Founder of (en)Visionography™ and creator of Photography Drawing™, internationally acclaimed fine art photographer, Master architect, educator, and best-selling author, with 25+ years experience in photography and architecture, Julia Anna Gospodarou is a leader in modern fine art photography who shaped with her work the way architecture fine art photography looks today.
Awarded more than 100 times in the most important photography competitions worldwide, two-time International Photography Awards IPA Photographer of the Year, World Photography Awards SWPA, and Hasselblad Masters Finalist, her work was widely exhibited and published internationally.
With a passion for the world’s civilizations and speaking six languages, Julia was always in the avant-garde of thinking as an architect and a photographer, constantly pushing the limits of what is possible, constantly reinventing herself as an artist and an individual. Her huge love for travel and discoveries and her passion for teaching, art, and photography led her to become in the past one and a half decades one of the world’s top-rated fine art photography educators and workshop organizers.